Simply put, Scully, when the JW lawyers lose a case they claim victimization whether they are in fact right or wrong.
I'll tell you who are the victims it's the children.
The JW lawyers went on a rampage intstituting the Constitutional challenges in dozens of divorce cases whether it was warranted or not.
Their main claim was the following:
The Divorce Act is unconstituional because it is too vague.
They objected to the power which resided with any Judge to award custody and visitation under the existing Divorce Act. Specifically they objected to the principle of a Court making a ruling in the "best interests" of the child(ren).
How ridiculous is that? Which is why they lost at the Supreme Court level.
The true victims are the poor non JW parents in dozens of cases who were litigated to death on this stupid whim of the JW legal department who has to find some reason to justify their existance (rather than going out in service perhaps?).
These non JW parents incurred hundreds of thousands of dollars in litigation costs needlessly while JW lawyers run up the costs (in my opinion deliberately to be oppressive and abusive to the non JW parent). In the end it's the kids who suffer since their non JW parents (some being the custodial parent) are financially wiped out. Those types of large legal debts can take decades to recover from, if ever.
As far as How, I see it as his personal axe to grind with Proudfoot since she ordered legal costs against him personally (which is never done unless a lawyer is malicious and abusive in litigating), which might explain How's personal attack/retaliation on Justice Proudfoot.